Love emojis picture brain teaser puzzle – 1039

Can you solve the love emojis picture brain teaser puzzle? In this brain teaser picture puzzle given three different emojis. You have to find the value of each emoji. This type of picture riddles can improve your observation skills. Can you solve the last equation in this picture puzzle?

Love emojis picture brain teaser puzzle

Explanation :

Love face = 4

Sunglass face = 7

Thinking face = 9

(2 × 4) + (2 × 4) + (2 × 4) = 24

4 × 4 + 7 = 23

7 × 9 + 9 = 72

9 + (2 × 7) × (2 × 4) = 121

So, correct answer is 121.

Correct answer : 121

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