How can you get 30 by placing the balls into the boxes? – 1041

How can you get 30 by placing the balls into the boxes in the following equation? The brain teaser math puzzle is a very challenging Brain game. When you solve this math puzzle you have to think logically. The logic math puzzle is one type of brain-shaking game. You can relax your mind by solving puzzles every day. Always we create various types and different logic math puzzles. Many people solve logic puzzles using their logical thinking.

How can you get 30 by placing the balls into the boxes?

Explanation :

The three balls is 11 + 13 + 6 = 30

I know you have one question that where are the number 6 has come.

In this riddle says you need to put the balls to make it 30. It never said you need to put the numbers. So you just need to turn the ball which has written 9 and make it 6.

Correct answer : 11, 13, 6

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