Burger, Hot dog, and Cocacola Picture Math Equation Puzzles – 1116

Can you solve the Burger, Hot dog, and, Cocacola Picture Math Equation Puzzles? Here is a fun way to play with numbers. In the picture below you will see Burger, Hot dog, and, Cocacola representing certain numbers. Find the value of each and then find the value of the missing number. So were you able to solve the Cocacola Picture Math Equation Puzzles?

Burger, Hot dog, and Cocacola Picture Math Equation Puzzles

Explanation :

Hot Dog + Coca Cola × Hot Dog = 48

(2 × Hot Dog) + Burger × Burger = 97

Burger + Burger + (2 × Coca Cola) = 28

(2 × Burger) + Hot Dog × (2 × Coca Cola) = ?

Hot Dog = 8

Burger = 9

Coca Cola = 5

8 + 5 × 8 = 48

(2 × 8) + 9 × 9 = 97

9 + 9 + (2 × 5) = 28

(2 × 9) + 8 × (2 × 5) = 98

Correct answer: 98

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