Can you solve the interesting math question within 15sec? – 1277

Only a genius can solve an interesting math question within 15sec. Nowadays social media has become one of the means of leisure. And if you keep an eye on this social media page, you can see different kinds of fun puzzles every day. There are many people around us who take up such challenges to overcome boredom. This game is called Brain Teaser. It is easy to understand how much your IQ label is by solving such puzzles.

Can you solve the interesting math question within 15sec?

Like every day, today also brings you a math puzzle. But today’s puzzle is a bit different than other days. You don’t have to find any hidden numbers or letters in the picture featured in today’s post. Don’t look for differences between the two pictures. Instead, you have to solve the math with intelligence.

In this picture, you see all these equation answers are the same. You think in your mind that the last equation answer will be the 6. But no, the answer should not be the same. You have to find the math trick to solve the last equation. Observing carefully to find the simple tricks to this question. You will have 15 seconds to answer correctly starting from now.

99% of People Fail to Solve the Interesting Math Question

Can you solve the interesting math question within 15sec?

Explanation :

7 3 2 = (7-3)+2 = 6

4 2 4 = (4-2)+4 = 6

6 5 5 = (6-5)+5 = 6

3 1 8 = (3-1)+8 = 10

Correct answer: 10

Still, hopefully, 99 % of people reading this report can’t find the answer. In fact, the answer cannot be the same as well as the previous equation. you have to think a little differently. Check out the details below.

In this puzzle you see, 7 3 2=6, 4 2 4=6, 6 5 5=6 and you also think that the last equation will be the same answer. But no, in this mathematics equation have simple tricks. So how to solve this problem? So, let’s explain it. Each equation’s first two numbers subtract and the answer will be added with the next number.

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